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승마 이야기/How to Ride a Horse

How to Ride a Horse Step by Step

by @파밀리에 건강지킴이@ 2022. 10. 8.


How to Get on a Horse for Beginners

One of the coolest things about horses is that they are so tall. One of the scary things about horses is that they are, again, so tall. 

The first step to every ride? Getting on! 

How are you supposed to get up there? Good news. With a little practice, mounting a horse is easy:

  1. Have someone hold your horse for you while you get on.
  2. Always check your girth! If it’s not snug enough, the saddle can “roll” when you try to get on.
  3. Stand on the horse’s left side. (It’s customary to work from this side of the horse, so it will be accustomed to this.)
  4. Hold the ends of the reins in your left hand, just in front of the saddle, but keep them loose. (Reins are what you use to steer your horse, so you’ll want to have them ready.)
  5. Put your left foot in the stirrup. Make sure the ball of your foot is on the stirrup vs. sticking your foot all the way through to the heel.
  6. Put your weight on your left foot and “step up” to a standing position. (Your right leg will be hanging next to your left.)
  7. Swing your right leg up and over the horse’s rump, being careful not to accidentally kick them on the way.
  8. Sit down in the saddle as gently as possible.
  9. Adjust your stirrups to the proper length, or have your trainer do it for you.
  10. Put your right foot in the other stirrup. Remember to center the ball of your foot on the stirrup, not your toe or heel.
  11. Congrats! You’re now on a horse.