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How to Canter on a Horse for Beginners

by @파밀리에 건강지킴이@ 2022. 10. 8.

How to Canter on a Horse for Beginners

When you’re ready to canter, you’ll find that it’s a little easier to stay seated in the saddle, compared to trotting.

Cantering has three “beats,” or foot falls, and it feels a bit like you’re sitting on a rocking horse. (A really cute, furry rocking horse that nickers.)

Photo Credit: Sarah Harris

Here’s how to canter on a horse:

  1. Start cantering from a trot.
  2. It’s easy to make the mistake of trotting faster and faster before you begin to canter, but you want to make a clear transition from trot to canter without trotting quickly.
  3. Asking for the canter can vary from horse to horse, so ask your trainer what cues your horse understands.
  4. Typically, you will move your outside leg back a few inches and then squeeze gently with both legs to ask for the canter.
  5. Keep yourself balanced in the center of the saddle and let your hips move back and forth with the horse.
  6. Don’t pull on the reins (unless it’s going too fast and you want to slow down). Instead, let your horse move his head freely and focus on keeping a deep seat.
  7. When you’re ready to slow down, gently pull back on the reins to let your horse know it’s time to trot again.