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How to Walk on a Horse for Beginners

by @파밀리에 건강지킴이@ 2022. 10. 8.

How to Walk on a Horse for Beginners

Once you’ve successfully gotten up into the saddle, you’re ready to cue your horse to walk. Remember to relax as much as possible. Tight muscles will make everything more difficult.

Source: Pixabay

Here’s how to walk on a horse:

  1. Make sure you have both of your feet placed comfortably in the stirrups.
  2. Hold the reins in your hand or hands, as your instructor directs. (Western riders usually use one hand, while English riders use two.)
  3. Sit deep and relaxed in the saddle, and keep the reins slightly loose. You don’t want to pull back on your horse’s mouth as you ask them to move forward.
  4. Give your horse a gentle squeeze (not a kick) with your lower legs to signal he should begin walking. If you have a very quiet or lazy horse, you may need to give him a couple of soft bumps with your heels.
  5. Sit up tall, hold your head up straight, and look between your horse’s ears (not at the ground).
  6. Try not to squeeze repeatedly with your legs once the horse is walking. Keep your legs long, quiet, and with weight firmly down in your heels.
  7. Listen to your instructor about how to steer with your reins and legs.