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승마 이야기/How to Ride a Horse

How to Trot on a Horse for Beginners

by @파밀리에 건강지킴이@ 2022. 10. 9.

How to Trot on a Horse for Beginners

Trotting is similar to jogging for a person. With each stride, your horse will be bouncing up into the air a little–and that means that you’ll be bouncing a little, too.

If walking on a horse feels like the gentle swaying of a boat on the water, trotting is going to feel like the waves are coming up a little higher. (Or, a lot higher, in the beginning.)

Here’s how to stay “afloat.”

  1. From a walk, gently squeeze your legs to ask the horse to move into a trot. If it continues walking, you may need to lightly bump with your heels.
  2. Don’t be afraid to hold on to the horn or front of the saddle to help steady yourself. You can also attach a grab strap to your English or Western saddle so you have something sturdy to hold onto. These straps are inconspicuous, inexpensive, and give you some additional security while you’re just starting out.
  3. Trotting may feel awkward, until you get the hang of it, so don’t get frustrated if it’s hard to manage at first.
  4. Try not to squeeze with your knees or legs to hold on, even if it’s your first instinct. Relaxing makes things easier!
  5. Let yourself sink into the saddle, and let your legs continue hanging long, quiet, and with weight in your heels.
  6. Don’t use the reins to help you balance, as that will hurt your horse’s mouth. If you need to steady yourself, use a grab strap or the saddle horn (if riding Western style).
  7. Keep looking forward through your horse’s ears and sitting up nice and tall.
  8. Start by trotting for a few steps at a time in the beginning, then work your way up to longer periods of trotting.
  9. There’s a lot to coordinate at first, but you’ll get the hang of it with practice!