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승마 이야기/How to Ride a Horse

How to Stop a Horse for Beginners

by @파밀리에 건강지킴이@ 2022. 10. 8.

How to Stop a Horse for Beginners

As fun as your first ride will be, you’ll want to bring your horse to a stop at some point. Just remember — you’ll be slowing down and then stopping. There shouldn’t be any “slamming on the brakes” while you’re in the saddle.

  1. First, you’ll want to make sure that you are steady in the saddle.
  2. Sink your weight into the seat.
  3. Lean back a little, and firm up your legs.
  4. There’s no shame in holding on to the horn or the front of the saddle.
  5. Let your horse know you’d like to slow down by saying “Whoa,” in a normal tone of voice. (You don’t need to yell – you’re just a couple of feet away from their ears.)
  6. Pull back gently on the reins. Don’t keep pulling at them like you’re pulling a rope. Instead, alternate tightening and releasing the pressure. Remember, the bit is in their mouth, and it’s sensitive!
  7. Once your horse has stopped, release the reins and give his neck a nice pat as a reward.
